ALZ, 8th - Oakland, CA
I walk the streets All ll eyes on me They look scared I don't know why We’ve never met Why do they look surprised Doesn't matter It's always the same They’re always scared When they hear my name They think I’m ill They think I’ll kill They think they'll die If I walk by I'm always staying home So I wouldn't bother them They don't even know Where I am from I'm always trying to be myself But I can't do that or else … They bully and hate I have no place In their hearts nor their race I was born here But they don't care They think there is no place for difference They think we all have to be the same They think that we bring them shame We cant be different They want to control our lives I'm scared Why are they like this They don't care for no elder or younger They don't care for our opinions, what we want “Don't go there” said my aunt Even the way I'm dressed is bothering them The way I talk The way I look The way I walk And the way I cook “Get out “ they tell me They warn me and count to three I run as fast as I can trying to hide Got home and cried Under my bed I slide Well at least I tried I thought they would like me if I was nice I've tried it twice But their hearts are cold as ice Guess it will never work Comments are closed.
AuthorsStudents 6th-12th Grades month
November 2024