Liv, 8th - Oakland, CA
The clouds a dreamy shade of grey They drop hit the ground like Pop rocks Cracklings when they fall This peaceful serenity I only get to experience once in a while Sometimes it drizzles Sometimes it sprinkles Sometimes it pours Any way it rains it’s beautiful Everything stops The sky crying But never of sadness Always of grace And love Something the entire world needs California drivers can’t stand the rain So it’s quiet on the street No pedestrians either California citizens can’t stand to get wet But not this one Drops trickling down the window Following the trail of the other drops Giving the flowers something to drink And the trees And the fruits And veggies So rare for it to rain here Where we can just pause And breathe Fresh crisp air My lungs just love My raincoats wet and cold But I’m warm And a maybe a bit wet Filled with happiness Just me and the rain Dancing hand in hand By ourselves Gracefully. Comments are closed.
AuthorsStudents 6th-12th Grades month
November 2024