Emma, 12th - Putney, VT
Under the great, lolling tongue of the ocean; she keeps her pills: white, shiny and undissolved like metallic, tiny fish eyes. Sweet, wilting daisies slip in and out of my dimension as I wake up again and again but never somatically. Flashing and mapping and sacrificial capping. I hold out my arms to grasp all there is and all there is tumbles past my hands and into my heart like a hard, glittering stone. In the spacious, floral air I pick out specks of light like freckles and leave kisses, love letters to a temporary home that is no longer physical. In my body a garden of painful dearness grows with every passing layer of ocean between the beloved and the present. Whilst dancing I mistook a large, bright butterfly for the sun and I could never quite unsee it. Comments are closed.
AuthorsStudents 6th-12th Grades month
November 2024