Liya, 11th- Oakland, CA
USA The land of the free Think about it how free can we really be People blinded by the fact we not really free People crossing countries and sailing seas Just to see And to be judged by skin color, race and the way you eat This is America "the place to be" ain't no place can beat A country that's divided by multiple sides And everyone stuck up in their own We searchin' for bones Come on We need to do better We all been through stormy weather with hopes it will get better We kneel down we pray for those whose bodies hit the ground Shot by supposed protection How am I suppose to feel safe When the ones that "protect and serve" got the nerve to be loud and disturb the peace but But there was never peace The ones that stood up are deceased Very little violence we just spoke Yet our number one leaders were smoke We came a long way from being captives America's history has long chapters But it doesn't stop the fact most prisons are filled with blacks and it's wack I'm tired I'm tired of being a statistic Because of my color, I'm considered a misfit so if you have the time just listen Just listen, please There are things we need to work out When you speak they close your mouth Filling your mind with nonsense Hiding the true facts Our education is trash, bring the culture back The war on is being swept underneath the map While there's big facts being shown behind a colored glass Corruption is such an assumption but only truly a fact Born to have a number slapped on my back We have to win cause they don't expect us to pass They time is slow because it moves fast Open your eyes the best way you can survive in this country is if you're white The unfairness in this country isn't right I want to fight I want change But America loves fixing problems with bandaids Rip them off Let's heal these wounds I wake up every morning wondering if things will change before I meet my doom We say we want change but never take that step If we don't work together, how are we considered the best I get it We have fresh food and water But ourselves and other people we slaughter Killed by the guns we love Agitated by the clouds we make "In God we trust" Murdered by people of the same faith The clock is ticking its time for change If we don't get it It's us to blame Comments are closed.
AuthorsStudents 6th-12th Grades month
November 2024